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The City tackles a lot of traumatic subjects head on as a way of interrogating such things in our own world through the lens of speculative fiction. We don't condone or wish to perpetuate things like racism, sexism, and queerphobia, but you will find those behaviors in the world of The City as our heroes fight against them.


However, we want you to be fully informed so that you can choose not to experience depictions or mentions of traumatic items. Below you will find content warnings for each of our episodes, as researched by us and recommended by our sensitivity readers.


However, because we wish to be accurate, you may encounter spoilers on this page


If you have feedback on them or would like to be one of our readers, please email us at

 Episode 1
Into the Vibe

classism, cultural assimilation, emotional abuse, racism, relationship coercion, sexism, toxic relationship

 Episode 2
Unity. Loyalty. Strength.

bomb explosion, classism, cultural assimilation, death (of parents, mention), fascism, police violence (brief flashback image), queerphobia, racism, sexism, slavery (mention), terrorism, theophobia

 Episode 3
A Light that Pains the Eyes and Mind

classism, fatphobia

 Episode 4
How They Rule Us all

bomb explosion, bigoted language, blood spatter, classism, cultural assimilation, death (depicted, some detail), exile, dismemberment (body parts, not in detail), fascism, mass casualty event (some detail), mob behavior, prison (mention), PTSD (discussion), queerphobia, racism, serious injury (bones breaking, legs smashed), sexism, slavery (mention), terrorism, theophobia

 Episode 5
raiders report

kidnapping (mention), violence (mentions, animal, gun, crash injury), sexual assault (mention, implied)

 Episode 6
Out of Place
and Time

death (mention, concept), death threat (one character threatens to kill another), fatphobia, heights (climbing), malnutrition (mention), religious dogma, terrifying creatures (giant spiders, horrors)

 Episode 7
My New Job

attempted sexual assault (depicted, thwarted by victim), classism, emotional abuse (from parent, mention), extortion, misogyny, oggling, racism, sexism, sexual harrassment (mentioned), violence (depicted, punch)

 Episode 8
rodents rise

blood, enclosed spaces (tunnels), fatphobia, injury (cuts, broken leg, infection) 

 Episode 9
Those whom the gods would destroy

abusive relationship, death (mention, wife), homophobia, hostile work envrionment, physical violence (depicted), racism

 Episode 10
Please allow me to introduce myself

bigotry, classism, misogyny, racism, sexism

 Episode 11
the wound or the water

blood, enclosed spaces (tunnels), injury (cuts, broken leg, infection), malnutrition,

 Episode 12
a sentient presence


 Episode 13
Party time!

alcohol use, body horror (a severly damaged human body is enocuntered), classism, coercion (mental manipulation), mean girls, terrorism (mention), physical violence (mention, depicted), PTSD (depicted), racism, sexism

 Episode 14
What Must That
Life Be Like

Blood, enclosed spaces (tunnels), injury (cuts, broken leg, infection)

 Episode 15 
A Lament From Across Centuries

death (mentioned, some detail), homophobia (from a parent), racism (assimilation behavior)

 Episode 16 
Use for the DarK

animal attack (depicted)

 Episode 17 
Fun and games

alcohol use, animal attack (depicted), body horror (a severly damaged human body is enocuntered, eaten by an animal), classism, coercion (mental manipulation), extreme cruelty (denegration, joy at torment), malnutrition (depicted), mean girls, military combat (depicted, in detail), murder (depicted, from the POV of the victim with a knife), terrorism (depicted), physical violence (mention, depicted), PTSD (depicted), racism, sexism (objectifcation of women's bodies), serious injury (bones breaking, stabbing), ultra nationalism

 Episode 18
What To Do With
a Tree

animal attack (depicted), PTSD (depicted),

 Episode 19
Without A Tether

character lost in the dark

 Episode 20
"Hope springs irrational."

explosion with casualties, murder of a protestor by police, queerphobia / erasure, racism 

 Episode 21
The Nature of
My Game

gore (mentioned), physical violence / murder (mentioned), sexism, torture (depicted)

 Episode 22
The Most
Refreshing Pain

character lost in the dark, injury (depicted, flesh, blood),

 Episode 23
An Affectation

heights (a character leaps off a roof, but does not die), rascism, transphobia (mention), violence (murder, with a machete

 Episode 24
The Journey Begins

gore (discussed), queerphobia (decpicted, by a parent)

 Episode 25
A Stairway to
the Heavens

heights (climbing)

 Episode 26
into the gloom


 Episode 27
That Which
Rested Above


 Episode 28
Spiral Down

heights, falling

 Episode 29
ponte las pilas


 Episode 30
one more dive


 Episode 31
Ragan's boys 


heights, failing

 Episode 32 
Predator / Prey

violence, gunfire, death (depicted)

 Episode 33
Bridging the Gap


heights, falling

violence, gunfire, death (depicted)

 Episode 36
Emergency Exit

wound (graphic depiction), body horror (parasite), gunfire, monster 

 Episode 37


 Episode 38
I Watched with Glee


severe inury

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